The end of the Summer Holidays
The summer has ended and Dave has had to return to work – all very sad as I was getting quite into the routine of having a stay at home Dad. He is very handy although he is constantly telling me how busy he is and all the things he has to do.
Kevin and Kate became part of the family for about 10 days in August. It was amazing how they slotted in so easily. I am now trying to get Kev a job over here. Tayla adopted Katie as her best friend and poor Katie could do nothing without little madam. We had some great nights out too, sampling some delicious food and enjoying the Dave Bootle’s excellent tunes. I am sure that was not us dancing on the chairs – my my – the youth of today!

Dave is off to the Isle of Man next week for his hockey tournament. Formal gear is pink Bermuda shorts, blue tie and navy blazer, complete with long socks! They have been training pretty hard although I am not sure whether the captain is the fittest member of the team. They went for a run on the beach the other night and all the other guys came back, except Dave! Needless to day he was just behind them and Tayla was very happy to see her Daddy.

This weekend is a long weekend in Bermuda – Monday is a holiday, so we are hanging around here. I feel like I need a holiday even though the rest of my family have had a lovely long one. Our next trip is to Orlando in October for half term – Mickey Mouse here we come.

Tayla is good – she has gone back to sleeping well at night, and sometimes comes to my room in the middle of the night. When I say, "What is the matter?" she replies, "Mommy, I just wanted to see you!" As you can imagine, with that she promptly climbs into our bed and goes back to sleep. Thank goodness for King size beds.
Dave is off to the Isle of Man next week for his hockey tournament. Formal gear is pink Bermuda shorts, blue tie and navy blazer, complete with long socks! They have been training pretty hard although I am not sure whether the captain is the fittest member of the team. They went for a run on the beach the other night and all the other guys came back, except Dave! Needless to day he was just behind them and Tayla was very happy to see her Daddy.
Tayla is good – she has gone back to sleeping well at night, and sometimes comes to my room in the middle of the night. When I say, "What is the matter?" she replies, "Mommy, I just wanted to see you!" As you can imagine, with that she promptly climbs into our bed and goes back to sleep. Thank goodness for King size beds.