Happy Snaps

Hi everyone
Sunday was the most perfect day here in Bermuda. We were on the beach at 9am - and it was an awesome day. Not much to complain about.
Tayla is at the stage where she enjoys jumping on the bed. She has already picked up the Bermudian accent with a very round sounding "i". I don't know what she is going to end up like - but it amuses us in the mean time - and there is nothing we can do about it. We are encouraging the use of "Ja" - but I don't think it is going to work!
Dave has been playing golf - hence T and I have time for a photo shoot.
Good news - our stuff is in Bermuda - it has not yet cleared customs, but I am hoping that by the weekend we will have it!

The caption to this could be - where oh where have my parents taken me now! Tayla has been asking to go in the aeroplane - she is having withdrawal symptoms after 2 months of not being on a plane - so we have booked to go to Toronto to see Di, my aunt for a week - very exciting as I have not seen her for about 12 years.