Hurricane Florence
Now that we know how to update this webpage we will aim to do so more regularly.
On to Hurricane Florence which has been bearing down on us for the past week. Preparations have been accelerating at quite a pace with a variety of lists on what to do being sent around. Basic preparations include, filling up all baths, ensuring one has enough dry food and clean water for a week, stocking up on candles, matches and the very necessary supplies of red wine (the locals say it helps with killing time and...killing the brain). Yesterday we boarded up the house and ensured that a couple of windows are left open to equalise the pressure when the hurricane passes over.According to the "experts" it will miss us by about 100 nautical miles, which for those of you who might not know (like us), is pretty much a direct hit. You can click on the weather link on the left and track to storm if you so wish.
We spent much of Saturday "buttoning down the hatches", and I can now sympathise with those people who you always see on CNN nailing on bits of timber as the wind picks up - mostly American if I remember correctly.
Most of the windows have special metal storm blinds, but some windows and doors cannot take them and then wooden sheets are then fitted. My DIY skills were sorely shown up by Dave Sutton our dedicated landlord and regular marine (I have some competition to my last boy scout mantle!).
All offices and schools are closed tomorrow and the Government does expect the power to go down for up to three days, so if you do not hear from us presume that no news is good news.
Till next time!!
1 comment:
Hang in there, we'll be watching Florence's progress today with keen interest! PJ&C
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