Visitors - Ottawa - The Robertson's wedding - The Mussett's and holiday!!
Well, I am now 3 weeks into my holiday and thoroughly enjoying the break.
Lisa and Lee-Anne were our first visitors of the summer and they seemed to take very quicky to island life. Both took to the scooter, with varying success, and made full use of their time here, visiting most of the sights. It can be reported that the Devils Hole attraction is possible the worst" in the world".
It was then off to Ottawa for Keith & Pam Roberston's wedding. We found Ottawa a very pleasant city - clean, efficient, friendly and very importantly full of shops. The wedding took place on a beautiful maple leaf farm just outside the city and although the weather was varied the evening was a great success. It was also good to catch up with Old Rhodents - Gus Robertson and Jon James. The following day we were treated to a traditional Canadian BBQ with moose meat being the attraction on the fire.....there was much talk about which country had the best meat. It must be said both are outstanding.
On the Sunday we caught up with Steve, Alex and Elizabeth Mussett over lunch - with Pierre Nel and family in attendance. It was great to spend some time with an old friend......
I have spent the subsequent weeks pottering around at home catching up on admin and enjoying the good weather - a large number of nerrands. Tayla has been attending swimming lessons most days and is now loving the water. I have bought a "punt" - a small boat to get out to the larger boat - and am putting my fibreglassing skills to the test repairing a crack.Hockey training continues, the Tri-Nations ends dismally and a wet test in London is on the telly.
The Foster's arrive next week and Tayla's much anticipated "Princess" party is looming on the horizon - oh the stress!!
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