It is about time!
Well that header sums it up - it has been far too long since our last "decent" blog and I am battling to find a good reason why it has taken so long - How about "we are having too much fun"....clearly a lie...."no time" one has time so that would not be about "bloody useless"...yes, that probably does it!
4 sleeps to go until we meet our "boy". Nicki is scheduled for her C section on Monday morning so with a deadline on the horizon things are falling into place - sleep, preparation and reading about new borns to remind us what we are letting ourselves in for. It must be said that Nicki has carried very differently this time around and has continued to look good! Whereas I have sympathetically put on weight. Nicki finished work on Tuesday and is enjoying this short time with only ONE.
With work gone for one it does seems that my new role will allow me very little time away from school. Gone are the days of an 8 month job - I am heading for the real world and the thought of being a full time worker. The number of issues I am having to deal with is mind blowing but also very challenging and exactly where I want to be. I am in the process of launching an appraisal structure for the entire school and researching solutions for Learning Enrichment. A busy year ahead!
Well like I said Nicki is now off for 6 months before she intends to go back on a part-time basis for another 6 months. This has meant that we need to employ a nanny to start in February..... BUT now we enter the mindfield of employment...we have just advertised and are busy awaiting applicants....if you know of any experienced Nannys out their please let us know!!
Our local hockey team ended the season unbeaten in both the league and knock-out cup. I was nominated the best defender in the league and can only think that the opposition have not worked out that they must just run around me. I also played some tennis and one cricket match, vowing never to play again after feeling muscles that have not done anything for 5 years! Nicki continued to do pilates and maintains this is what has secured her a decent figure. Tayla continues to enjoy her swimming and has started freestyle (she has no idea what crawl is - damn Americanisms) and backstroke. She attends swimming lessons and loves her time out boating. She also managed to get a part in a local ballet where she performend for about 2min as a French artiste.....her moves no doubt come from Nicki's side of the family! Tennis is on the agenda next with her birthday present - a racket.
Parenting continues to present a number of challenges. Tayla has hit 4 and now seems to think she is 18 and ready to leave home. She TRIES to tell us what to do and gets bitterly upset when an immovable object (Mom and Dad) meets an irrepresible force (Tayla).....her sharing also leaves alot to be desired....we think the new addition will serve as some shock therapy. As a school student she is a saint and we enjoyed a rather interesting "graduation" ceremony (another Americanism) at her school. She is leaving Rise & Shine and starts at Bloomfield in September.

And one final thing; Tayla has a "boyfriend".....a South African boy called Jacques Boonstra who happens to be our Doctors' son...I have vetted the family....chatted to the young man and demanded LABOLA.
Dave, Nicki and Tayla
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